The committee will:
- The SCAC will be comprised of seven members, the Patron, Ex. Sed. And advisor.
- The permanent members of SCAC the Patron, Ex-Sec., and Advisor will be selected for 5 years to keep the continuity. They will be added/deleted by voting of SCAC with the approval of Patron SCAC. The Patron, Ex. Secretary and Advisor will be also the members of the Committee for all purposes.
- Opted members will be selected / inducted time to time by the convenor SCAC when and where needed.
- SCAC will convene quarterly meetings to review the activities and plans of Science Communication/Diplomacy Activities,
- It will review and contribute ideas about science communication in OIC states, identify gaps in science communication initiatives, education, and training according to the policies of OIC States
- And recommended strategies measures and approaches to addressing the gaps in science communication/diplomacy in the OIC States.
- Table new ideas programs and activities for nurturing science communication in the OIC States.
- Prepare a database of science communicators working in OIC states,
- Launch an annual COMSTECH award for science communicators in OIC states,
- Conduct the review of financial matters and give recommendations,